Nova and Joan J Red Raspberries (Set of 10 canes)


Latin Name : Rubus idaeus ‘Nova’ and ‘Joan J’

This award-winning combo of 5 mid-summer and 5 late-season winter-hardy bushes will extend your eating enjoyment. Nova is highly productive, with firm, bright berries and rich, intense flavor. Joan J is a fall-bearing, high-yielding thornless plant with large, easy-to-pick red berries great for freezing.


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In-Depth Description

This species has two main varieties, idaeus; a European raspberry which is native to Eurasia, and idaeus var. strigosus; an American red raspberry which is native to large parts of North America. Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and E, and K.

Plant Specifics

Product Size

5 early and 5 late season canes

Additional information

Five plants will fill a 10 foot row.