Environmental Reviews

Connecticut is unique in that substantial regulatory authority is vested in the volunteer members of the Planning Commission, Zoning Commission and the Inland Wetlands Agency of each municipality.  These volunteer commission members make the key decisions which collectively shape the local landscape.

Our goal is to provide these land use commissioners and their staff members with the best possible information and tools to do their job.  Our technical staff provides many services to assist commissions such as reviewing and commenting on site plans, review of erosion and sediment or stormwater issues, on-site investigations, and conduct ecological reports.

In addition, each year we present a series of training programs on key topics. 

Northwest Conservation District serves as a local clearing house for environmental information and assistance.

If we can’t answer your question, we know who can!

Daily we assist the public who call or visit our office to find answers and solutions to environmental questions and problems.

We are very familiar with the environmental network of federal, state or local agencies and private non-profit groups.  We frequently work in partnership with them and we understand the services and special expertise each offers.  Give us a call at (860) 626-7222 or ask us directly here: 

Website Email Inquiry
Tell me more about how the Northwest Conservation District can help us with LID in our community!

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