

Latin Name : Vaccinium corymbosum

This is a set of three 2-gallon potted plants, one of each variety listed below. Known for their fruit’s taste and nutritional value, blueberry bushes are great rain garden plants. 

Duke –  ‘Duke’ is a highbush cultivar that flowers late but fruits early, often producing an abundant crop of blueberries. Waxy, bell-shaped, white flowers appear in May. Flowers are followed by medium to large, light blue blueberries which ripen in early to mid June.. Berries have a mildly sweet flavor. Leaves turn attractive shades of yellow and orange in fall.

Patriot – A highbush blueberry cultivar with waxy, bell-shaped, white flowers appear in May. Flowers are followed by medium blue blueberries which ripen in mid-season (late June). Berries soften in hot weather conditions. Leaves turn attractive shades of red and purple in fall.

Jersey – Large, burly, and productive. Small to medium-sized, sweet light blue fruit. Consistent late-season producer (July). Ovate, dark green leaves (to 3.5″ long) turn attractive shades of red in fall.

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In-Depth Description

Vaccinium corymbosum, the northern highbush blueberry, is a North American species of blueberry that has become a food crop of significant economic importance. Their flowers are a great source of early-season nectar for native bees and butterflies while their summer fruit is a songbird magnet.

Highbush blueberries are self-pollinating to an extent, but cross-pollination produces a better crop — creating larger yields of larger berries. It is best to plant more than one variety with the same bloom time 4–6′ apart. Bees and wind help bushes to cross-pollinate. All finish with fiery fall color. Plants need acidic soils with pH of 4.0 to 5.5.

Plant Specifics

Product Size

Set of three 2-gallon pots

Additional Information

Mature Sizes:
– Duke: 5-7’ t x 5-7’ w
– Patriot: 5-8’ t x 5-8’ w
– Jersey: 6-7’ t x 6-7’ w