Seascape Everbearing Strawberries


Latin Name : Fragaria x ananassa ‘Seascape’

A highly successful plant for northeastern growers for summer and fall. Large firm berries are considered to have the best flavor of any of the everbearers. Fruit in late summer and fall. Self-pollinating. Planting instructions included. 

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In-Depth Description

If you’re looking for multiple strawberry harvests throughout a growing season, everbearing berries are the type you need. Unlike June-bearing strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa), everbearing varieties produce three separate crops in spring, summer, and fall. However, after 3-4 years, everbearing and/or day-neutral strawberry plants usually need to be replaced because they no longer produce good quality fruit.

Plant Specifics

Mature Dimensions

Spread 12"Tall x 12-24"Wide

Product Size

25 bare roots

Additional Information

Fruit late summer and fall.