In-Depth Description
Pinxterbloom Azaleas, now classified as Rhododendron, are deciduous shrubs native to moist woods, swamp margins and open areas from Massachusetts to South Carolina and Tennessee. A rare find in the landscape but one of the great native secrets of the eastern woodlands, Pinxterbloom will thrill you with its fragrant, late April bloom that fills the air with its sweet honeysuckle scent. For those more interested in visual stimulation, this selection delivers rounded clusters of 1 to 1.5″ diameter pink to white flowers that bloom just while the foliage is emerging allowing you to focus all your attention on their fragrant beauty. Like most deciduous Azaleas, Pinxterbloom fills a great niche in semi-shaded areas especially when planted in groups to form a sweet smelling, easy care border planting. It thrives in moist areas but is quite tolerant of drier locations, too and provides a great early spring source for nectar in the landscape.