Pussy Willow


Latin Name: Salix discolor

Large native that provides wildlife cover and tolerates most soils. Late winter catkins provide early-season nectar for bees and its buds and leaves are a food source for birds and caterpillars.

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In-Depth Description

Pussy Willow’s familiar, soft, silky, silvery-gray, furry catkins appear before leaf emergence in late winter. These catkins purportedly resemble the pads on a cat’s paw, hence the common name, Pussy Willow. This is a dioecious species (male and female catkins appearing on separate trees). Male trees produce the showy display of silky-gray catkins while female trees produce smaller, less attractive, greenish catkins. This historic native provides an early-season harvest for songbirds, waterfowl, and small mammals. It also attracts butterflies; and is a larval host for Mourning Cloak and Viceroy butterflies. It has been recognized by pollination ecologists (Xerces Society) as having special value by attracting large numbers of native bees.

Plant Specifics

Mature Dimensions

20-25't x 18-20'w

Product Size

2 gallon