Below is a selection of videos that NWCD Staff helped create or participated in. To see all of our videos, visit our YouTube channel here:
New Ag in the Next Age Workshop Series #5: Animal Integration and Permaculture
This series was held by Sullivan Farm, the Town of New Milford and other partners in the Fall of 2022. NWCD’s Executive Director, Cynthia Rabinowitz, is a guest speaker on the 5th installment in this series found below. For the full series, visit a playlist on the New Milford YouTube channel by clicking here.
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the CT Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act:
2022 is the 50th anniversary of the enactment of Connecticut’s Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act! All year long, our partners will have special events to celebrate this important milestone. Our partners include: Connecticut Association of Wetland Scientists, our four sister Connecticut Conservation Districts, the Water Planning Council and their subgroups, Rivers Alliance of CT, CT DEEP and other state agencies, and many more! Follow our social media for more information. Click the top video below to learn more about this act, or click the 2nd video below for a Part 1 of a Wetland Introduction (Part 2 can be found here).
Planning and Zoning Resources to Protect Lakes, Rivers and Water Quality in NWCT:
The Northwest Hills Council of Governments (NHCOG) held their 5th Thursday forum in October focusing on Protecting Lakes & Water Quality. Presenters included Karen Griswold Nelson from NWCD, Sean Hayden from the Lake Waramaug Task Force, from the Housatonic Valley Association, Jamie Fischer and Connie Trolle from the Bantam Lake Protective Association. Topics included LID implementation, the importance of watersheds and their effects on their local waterbodies – even if they are miles away, examples of practices to protect Lakes and more. Also developed the meeting, as a list of LID resources for Planning and Zoning which can be found here:
Best Management Practices for Agriculture, presented to the Roxbury Land Trust
Know Your Soil:
Soil health is an important topic in agriculture, conservation and climate resiliency. This series is hosted by NWCD’s Executive Director, Cynthia Rabinowitz. Below is Part 1 of this series, and Part 2 can be found here.
CT Envirothon Aquatics Web Series: <= Click here for playlist, This year due to restrictions, CT Envirothon is putting on a monthly Virtual CT Web Series. The above playlist is a series of recordings from the Aquatics Web Series. From a Virtual tour of Lake Waramaug, to an introduction to Stream Ecology, Climate Change in Lakes, and Water Sampling, there is a wide-variety of topics. Click the playlist above see more, and to learn more about this program, head to
Other Recommended Videos/Webinars
- Healthy Living Soil Video by CT NOFA
- In Fall 2020, NWCD was one of the sponsors on the CT Compost Webinar Series. This critical series provided information and resources for farmers and municipalities to expand their leaf and/or manure composting operation to include food scraps. The focus of webinars will include the benefits to soil health, conservation, food waste management, and climate adaptation.
- The Equity and Environmental Justice working group (from the GC3 Climate Summit in Connecticut) has created a webinar series on Climate Solutions and issues relating to Environmental/Climate Justice. Several webinars have occurred and recordings can be viewed here